Cornwall Games Challenge

Help build a new multiplayer video game!

As part of the Cornwall Festival of Tech, Screen Cornwall is working with Mind Feast Games to launch the Cornwall Games Challenge for people aged 11-14 interested in video game design, through the new Mind Feast Games multiplayer game Co OPERATION: MultiTurn.

Aged 11-14 years old or working with 11-14 year olds interested in Video Games? Creative writing? Drawing?
We’re looking for people to take part in the Cornwall Games Challenge.
Draw and design new characters – on your own, at school or at home.
Write story arcs & dialogue for characters – on your own or with friends, at school or at home.
Take part in live online tutorials and group sessions with Mind Feast founder and Game Developer Shaz Yousaf to code new levels and add players into the game.

How to get involved:

Register as an individual (aged 11-14) or as an adult working with young people aged 11-14.
Once you’ve registered, we’ll send you an email with everything that you need to join in with the bits of games design or game play that interest you most.
Submit your designs online by the 18th February and see them played in brand-new multi-player game Co OPERATION.


Tech Kids


1 Step 1 2 Step 2
Limit per submission: 1

RSVP Attendees

No one has responded yet.

  • Date : 18 February 2024
  • Venue : Online


Software Cornwall