James Arthur – alephJamesA

James Arthur – alephJamesA

Topological Data Analysis: Information from moving Data

How can we use movement and flexibility of data to get new insights? Through topological data analysis! Join James as they explain and show how we can use the complicated ideas of persistent homology to create meaning for higher dimensional data that current methods can't! In this talk James will explain how we can use really indepth ideas to allow us to understnad and have insight into higher dimensional data. Current methods can only get so far due to the computational complexity of dealing with data in several dimensions, hence we need to be able to morph and change the data set. No prerequisites are required, everything will be explained for beginners / novices / those not initiated in the arts. So for all who know no maths and no data analysis we will cover all you need to know. If you have an open mind, you are encouraged to attend!

All Sessions by James Arthur – alephJamesA

Tech Track 20 February 2024
11:30 - 12:10

Topological Data Analysis: Information from moving Data

Tech Track

James Arthur - alephJamesA